Selerix Developer Tools
Census Related Web Services


Selerix refers to applicant and enrollment data on BenSelect as census data.  In addition to employee demographic and employment data, census may include information about the employee's spouse and dependents, existing coverages, and even things like the answers to eligibility questions.  Since the primary purpose of the Benefits-Selection system is to collect enrollment data for delivery to employers and insurance carriers, census data is arguably the most important variable in the system. 

How census data is uploaded to BenSelect and how it can be obtained by developers is the focus of this section.


Census via web services

Developers have the added option of pushing census data to BenSelect using Selerix web services.  Just as case builders may chose to upload data for one or more employees at a time, your options range from pushing minimal census data for a single family to sending the entire case data in a single session including existing coverages, answers to EOI questions, and so forth.  Likewise, after enrollment, you may obtain enrollment data for as many families as you wish at a time.



See Also
